*Rising K4-K5 students must be fully potty-trained and able to use the bathroom by themselves. SYT staff may not change diapers nor enter the bathroom with a child.*
4:00-4:45pm, Tuesdays starting February 25, 2025
Instructor: TBD
Join Blue, Steve, Joe, Josh, Mailbox, and all of the other friends who live in the Blue's Clues House in solving the puzzles with the clues Blue leaves!
This class will meet weekly on Tuesdays for 10 weeks starting Tuesday, February 25, 2025. The final class will be on Tuesday, May 6, 2025. We will not have class the week of April 7th-11th.
Our 10-week classes for rising K4-K5 explore creative play, music and art, while learning acting and storytelling techniques. Classes at this age range will include a performance showcase of skills learned during class, but students will not be performing a full production.